Special Education
Special Education Services
Q/A Call or Meeting
- For parents/families who do not need a full consultation
- Discuss work-based learning plans
- For families wanting to self-advocate but need preparation for special education meetings
- ECA reviews paperwork and offers insight, guidance, and support
Hire ECA to be an Advocate
- Includes all consultation services with ECA attending the meeting
- Ensures all family and child’s rights, special education procedure, and law are followed
- Additional costs for travel arrangements and consultant’s time during the meeting
Transition Planning
- Assistance with transition planning for students
Our Experience in Special Education
The special education and IEP process can be stressful, confusing, overwhelming, and time-consuming. Many parents turn to a special needs advocate to guide them as they seek services for their child. Dr. T.J. Jumper has the experience and expertise necessary to help you.
Dr. T.J. Jumper has held various roles in education, including teacher, school principal, school district office administrator, and regional director for the Iowa AEA system. With over 25 years of experience in special education and 504 plans, he has led teams of over 80 staff members who worked directly with schools on special education evaluations, processes, and programming for students.
Dr. Jumper has extensive knowledge of best practices in the classroom, behavior intervention plans, progress monitoring, data decision-making, accommodations, modifications, and transition planning. As a regional director, he collaborated with six school districts and fourteen schools on special education programming, compliance, law, and system development.
His work often involved mediating between families and schools, giving him a comprehensive understanding of the entire special education and Section 504 process, from initiation to mediation or due process in case of complaints.
Note: ECA is not a legal organization or a law firm. ECA’s background is in education and special education, providing a less expensive advocacy option compared to legal services. ECA cannot develop or draft legal documents.
Get in touch today!